5th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technologies 2025

Why Should You Sponsor?

  • Opportunity for your business to boost credibility in the industry
  • Get in front of your target market, generate leads and identify prospects
  • Brand awareness, media exposure, and social responsibility
  • Increase your reach to new clients and potential customers
  • Develop new networks and engage with the right audience


  • Platinum Level PKR 300,000
  • Gold Level PKR 200,000
  • Silver Level PKR 100,000
Benefits Silver Gold *Platinum
Exhibit booth/ Display space for your company's products and promotional material at the conference Yes Yes *Yes
Company-provided banner specifically displayed during conference reception to recognize your firm No Yes Yes
Speaking time slot allocated to one executive No Yes Yes
Free conference registrations and dinner invitations Yes Yes Yes
Company-provided advertisement banners and standees in the conference tea break & lunch areas No Yes *Yes
Logo on stage back drop, event website and social media Yes Yes *Yes
Logo on passes, event guide, website, final program Yes Yes *Yes
A full page listing in the conference's printed final program No Yes Yes
Company-Provided promotional handout/ brochure to given to attendees alongside registration folder Yes Yes Yes
Table placards with sponsorship information including stats, infographics etc No Yes Yes

Note: *Platinum sponsorship provides enhanced visibility through exclusive branding opportunities