
Comtech Paper Presentation Schedule

Conference Joining Links:

The participants can join the conference online as well as physically. Following are the links for joining parallel sessions.

Time Activity Venue
Day 1 (21st September 2021) - Opening Session
0930 - 0935 Tilawat & Translation NS Auditorium
0935 - 0940 ComTech 2021 Opening Address by Conference Chair NS Auditorium
0945 Arrival of Chief Guest
0950 - 1020 Keynote-IS by Prof Dr Kashif Kifayat NS Auditorium
1020 - 1035 Chief Guest Speech NS Auditorium
1035 - 1040 Souvenir to Keynote Speaker and Chief Guest NS Auditorium
1040- 1050 Group Photo NS Auditorium
1050- 1110 Tea Break Cafeteria
Session 1
1110 - 1145 Keynote-IS by Prof Dr Siraj (online) NS Auditorium
1145 - 1225 Keynote-CS by Assoc Prof Dr Basit Shafiq NS Auditorium
1225 - 1305 Keynote-EE by Prof Dr Muhammad Imran (Online) NS Auditorium
1305 - 1435
Session A-Paper Presentations Session B- Paper Presentations Session C-Paper Presentations
NS Auditorium, ECR and Iftikhar Block
1435 - 1515 Lunch Lunch/ Prayer Break Cafeteria
1515 - 1645 3MT Competition NS Auditorium
Time   Activity Venue
Day 2 (22nd September 2021)
0900 - 0905 Workshop Forensics and IT & Auditing Tilawat & Translation NS Auditorium
0905 - 0945 Keynote-EE Dr Najam Naqvi NS Auditorium
0945 - 1025 Keynote-CS Prof Dr Omer Rana (Online) NS Auditorium
1030 - 1110 Keynote-IS Prof Dr Saad Zafar NS Auditorium
1110 - 1140 Tea Break Cafeteria
1140 - 1220 Keynote-CS Assoc Prof Dr Hammad Afzal NS Auditorium
1220 - 1320
Session A-Paper Presentations Session B- Paper Presentations Session C-Paper Presentations
NS Auditorium
1320 - 1420 Lunch / Prayer Break Cafeteria
Closing Ceremony
1420 - 1500 Keynote-EE Prof Dr Aamir Iqbal Bhatti NS Auditorium
1500 - 1520 Best 3 presentations- 3MT NS Auditorium
1520 - 1535 Conference Review/Concluding address by Conference Chair NS Auditorium
1535 - 1545 Comdt Closing Speech NS Auditorium
1545 - 1555 Souvenir/ Award Distribution NS Auditorium
1555 - 1605 Group Photo NS Auditorium